
경기문화재단 로비갤러리

Beyond the Reality

2017-04-03 ~ 2017-06-09 / Main works

Beyond the Reality marks the opening of GyeongGi Cultural Foundation Lobby Gallery. The new space is a visual arts platform dedicated to the discovery of talented artists. Through professional support programs GGCF continuously contributes to the active creation of prospective artists in the Gyeonggi-do region. Extending this endeavor, the foundation is hosting a duo exhibition of Kim Hyo Sook, who is the selected promising artist of 2016, and Lee Juri, who shares a similar critical context with Kim. Reflected in the title, the exhibition highlights their different attitudes in dealing with the invisible aspects of city, repeated in its rapid destruction and formation.

Main works of Kim Hyo Sook

A Blue Room_Virtual Aquarium(part), oil in canvas, acrylic, 227×324cm, 2016

My Floating City-Relationship), oil in canvas,  acrylic, 223×181cm, 2010

Main works of Lee Juri

충돌의 탄생, pen and acrylic in canvas, 112×162cm, 2016

골무인간 서식지, pen and acrylic in canvas, 162×224cm, 2016


  • Beyond the Reality

    Period/ 2017. 04. 03 ~ 2017. 06. 09

    Venue/ Gyeonggi Cultural Foundation lobby

    Participating Artists/ Kim hyoSook, Lee Juri

  • Hosted and Organized by/ Gyeonggi-do, Gyeonggi Cultural Foundation

    Open hours/ Mon. ~ Fri. 10:00 ~ 18:00

경기문화재단 로비갤러리
로비갤러리는 경기문화재단 1층에 위치하여 시각예술에 대한 접근의 문턱을 낮추고 문화를 향유할 수 있는 다채로운 만남을 시도하는 열린 공간입니다. 경기도를 거점으로 활동하는 예술가와 시각예술을 지원하는 다양한 재단 사업을 되짚어보는 전시를 통해 예술가들에게 창작의 기회를 제공하고자 합니다.