Goyang_Latin American Cultural Center Museum
A trip to Latin America close to home Experiencing Latin American culture and arts
The Latin American Cultural Center Museum is a culture ground founded by Mr. Lee Bok-hyung, a diplomat who had served for 30 years in Latin America, and his wife, Mrs. Hong Gap-pyo, who have gathered artifacts and customs from the region.
Having been active in Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Argentina, and Mexico for exchanges with Korea, they operate the culture center museum with a hope that more people would encounter beautiful Latin American culture and arts.
The artworks that they had collected from Mr. Lee’s time as an ambassador to his retired days fill the museum, gallery, sculpture garden, chapel, and everywhere throughout the facility. At the museum, ancient and modern artifacts alike of Latin America’s most notable cultures of Maya, Aztec, and Inca are on display, and the gallery exhibits various paintings and sculptures of well-renowned artists of the region. In the outdoors like the sculpture garden, the works of modern sculptors from 12 Latin American nations are situated throughout the stroll paths and rest areas. The chapel, the most recently construction building, has reproduced “Capilla” (meaning chapel in Spanish) often seen in the Latin American region.
As it clearly shows the characteristics of Latin American Baroque Art, which harmonizes the 17th century European Baroque style and the Latin American culture’s unique tone, it exudes splendor and dignity. The red light coming in through the stained glass makes the interior glow in a more beautiful fashion.
On my way through the exit after viewing, I found an antique hanok. The building is called Goyang Hyanggyo originally built for regional education during the Joseon Dynasty. Interestingly, it faces the entrance of the Latin American Cultural Center Museum, which enables you to be immersed in the Latin American culture in one moment and go on a time travel to Joseon’s education scene in the next after taking just a few steps.
Written and photos by Park Hee-eun
<Copyright(c)2002 GGC All rights reserved.>
Latin American Cultural Center Museum
Address/ 33-15, Daeyang-ro 285beon-gil, Deogyang-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do
Contact / 031-962-7171
Hours of operation / 10:00-18:00 (10:00-17:00 in winter)
Admission/ Adults: 5,500 KRW, Students: 4,500 KRW, Children under the age of 12: 3,500 KRW
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