

The birth of a cultural street to represent northern Gyeonggi Province

The birth of a cultural street to represent northern Gyeonggi Province

<Dongducheon Camp Bosan World Food Street>

▶ 2020 GyeonGi Cultural Foundation-Dongducheon City's first achievement in cooperation project.

On October 13, 2019, GyeonGi Cultural Foundation and Dongducheon City signed a business agreement to form “a strategic hub city for cultural vitalization in the northern part of Gyeonggi Province”. GyeonGi Cultural Foundation intends to form a new cultural city in northern Gyeonggi-do by expanding the cultural infrastructure for Dongducheon City to play a central role as a cultural city in northern Gyeonggi Province through business agreements and incorporating cultural contents in the future. In 2020, Dongducheon City and GyeonGi Cultural Foundation will introduce the first pilot project using “World Food Culture” cultural contents in Bosan-dong, Dongducheon City.

▶ “Dongducheon Camp Bosan World Food Street” created by cultural revitalization in northern Gyeonggi Province.

GyeonGi Cultural Foundation and Dongducheon City have been promoting various cultural projects for 5 years starting with the “Public Art Project” in 2015. In particular, this “Dongducheon Camp Bosan World Food Street” is a resident-led public art project that reflects the opinions of residents to vitalize the underdeveloped local economy. Dongducheon City aims to transform the Bosan-dong Special Foreign Tourism Zone into a special cultural zone centered on culture.

▶ GyeonGi Cultural Foundation “Dongducheon”, a cultural hub city in northern Gyeonggi Province.

GyeonGi Cultural Foundation and Dongducheon City are the 2020 Dongducheon Camp Bosan World Food Street Project, “Dongducheon Bosan-dong Landscape Lighting Special Street Creation”, and “Dongducheon Bosan-dong Cultural Street Development Project”, including Bosan-dong Special Foreign Tourism Zone and “Dongducheon Art Special City”. We are expanding our cultural business. Dongducheon City will grow as a cultural base city to serve as the center of the “North Gyeonggi Cultural City” created by the GyeonGi Cultural Foundation.

GyeonGi Cultural Foundation (CEO Kang Heon) and Dongducheon City (Mayor Yong-deok Choi) will present "Dongducheon Camp Bosan World Food Street'' in Bosan-dong, Dongducheon Special Foreign Tourism Zone on June 20, 2020. This Dongducheon Public Art Project is meaningful in that it is a public art created by citizens by directly reflecting “residents' opinions”. With the concept of enjoying world food on the street through 5 public hearings, you can enjoy food menus from various countries including Korea, Thailand, China, the United States, Peru, Japan, and the Philippines at 13 food outlets.

The GyeonGi Cultural Foundation expressed the meaning that anyone can easily access and enjoy the design concept of 13 food outlets in a transparent and open form under the theme of “Home in the House”. “House of House” is an undefined space and at the same time contains the concept of a space created by users. The existing Dongducheon Bosan-dong is a place where prejudices exist that cannot be easily accessed by Koreans, and at the same time, it is a place where many different ethnic groups live. Since 2015, through the graffiti art business, it has become a unique cultural tourism area that many people visit, and Dongducheon Camp Bosan World Food Street was created as a way to facilitate the convenience of people visiting Bosan-dong and vitalize the economy of local residents.

If Dongducheon City provides a space where many people visiting the Bosan-dong Special Foreign Tourism Zone can eat and stay, the negative factors that Bosan-dong had will naturally be resolved. GyeonGi Cultural Foundation installed two “Unidentified Building Objects (UBOs)” for a space where local residents and visitors can hang out together, and presented an open design for a space where anyone can stay comfortably. The international works of graffiti art in Bosan-dong Dongducheon and various world food culture spaces will be the beginning of a cultural city that transforms into a space where Dongducheon can see, eat, and relax.

The “Public Shelter UBO” is expected to play a sufficient role as a space for local gatherings and family gatherings to address the problems of large-scale gathering facilities caused by the corona crisis. By using the space under the bridge pier, which is an open space, it is easy to access, and at the same time, it is a unique space with an open front and back and a roof. Designed. In the future, the Dongducheon Bosan-dong Special Foreign Tourism Zone will become a symbolic street that stands for a cultural space where various races and cultures coexist.

The opening event of "Dongducheon Camp Bosan World Food Street'' held on June 20, 2020 will serve as an opportunity for the Dongducheon Bosan-dong Special Foreign Tourism Zone to play a role as a cultural space for Dongducheon and northern Gyeonggi cities. GyeonGi Cultural Foundation and Dongducheon City will become cultural centers in the northern part of Gyeonggi Province through various cultural projects in the future, and GyeonGi Cultural Foundation will faithfully fulfill its role as a cultural leader in Gyeonggi Province.

경기 문화예술의 모든 것, 경기문화재단